The beginning...

So as you can tell this is my first post...
I'm not quite sure of what I'm doing but I know that I want to do it.
And already I bet I don't make any sense...
I came here to be myself and to make a place for you guys to be yourself.
So therefor I am going to be anonymous and you can be too.
I am returning to school soon (I'm home schooled right now) and I would like a place to be happy.
Here is a little about me...

  1. I say "so" a lot.
  2. I'm bisexual 
  3. Right now I have no-one 
  4. I miss being outside with my old friends 
  5. I want a fresh start somewhere else away from everyone from my old school
  6. I am not going to tell anyone about this unless they are my best friend (which is hopefully going to be you guys)
So yes that's basically it. Please tell me about yourself in the comments 


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